Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Mom Radar

I have a sign posted on my fridge that reads,

"Nothing is ever really lost until your mom can't find it."
Since becoming a mother, I've noted this truth.  Moms seem to just "know" where things are, and can somehow "find" things that NO ONE else can, even if they are told EXACTLY where to look.  I don't know how many times, I have said something like, "It's on the bottom shelf; on the right-hand side behind the box of batteries," only to be told, "Mom, it is NOT there!" At which point I stop what I am doing, walk over and find the sought-after item right where I said it was.  I used to tell my kids (after telling them where to look and them insisting that the sought-for item was definitely NOT there) that if I found the item, I was going to be REALLY mad.  However, after a time, they realized that Mom's anger was of no real consequence, and even began to tease me that my anger was not that big of a threat.  (I guess I should take that as a compliment-I'm not a "mean angry mom.") 

But today, took the cake, when my 20-year-old daughter texted me from college 300 miles away, and asked me if she had left her i-clicker* at home.  I texted back and told her to look in the driver's side door side "pocket" of her car, and lo and behold-it was there!  I found it for her remotely from 300 miles away.  I didn't know my mom-radar had that kind of range, but apparently it does, and I rock!

*An i-clicker is a small tool that looks like a remote control that some college professors use in their classes.  They can project a quiz onto a screen, and students can "choose" their own answers with their i-clickers which they register to align with their specific classes, and the quiz results are recorded for the professors on an individual basis.  This small tool is almost as amazing as mom-radar :)

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