Today Luke turns 11. In his honor-11 cool things about Luke:
1-He is the fastest kid in the school. (See this post.)
2-He can snowboard.
3-He has the bluest eyes you've ever seen.
4-He has the honor of being the only one in our family born IN Logandale (actually IN his house, IN the dining room-maybe that should count as 3 items.) Someday I'll blog his birth-story, but that will require contemplation and time to tell it "just right" cause it WAS one of the coolest experiences of my life. And I'm not in the frame of mind to do that right know...working full time, 3 kids in 3 different basketball leagues, taking graduate classes, laundry, blah, blah, blah.
5-He has a "razor-sharp" memory. Don't say anything to him that you don't want remembered or repeated.
6-He also has the honor of being the biggest Barlow baby at birth (how's that for alliteration?) 9 pounds even.
7-He can whistle. (This impresses me because I can't.)
8-He's the youngest in our family (by a "ways" - all the other kids are about 2 years apart in age, but there are 3 1/2 years between Trent and Luke. Consequently, Luke is continually being made to do things that the rest of us all want to do, but maybe are a little outside his comfort zone for his current age. We may have scarred him for life when we made him ride the Tower of Terror at age 3, but hey, he WAS tall enough, and none of us wanted to forgo the ride to sit with Luke. Usually, he handles "grown-up" things quite well. He's actually pretty mature for his age.)
9-He didn't have a name for the first 4 days of his life. (But Kay managed to help him dodge the "Huey" bullet. How could anyone (read "Luke's Dad") possibly think "Huey" is a cool name?! My apologies to any Huey-named readers.)
10-He is smart. He reads several grades above grade-level, gets A's and scores high on math aptitude tests.
11-He is my baby! He will still hug and kiss me, although sometimes I have to bribe him: Luke: "Mom can I _________ (fill in the blank.)?" Me: "If you give me a hug." But at least this still works :)
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