So in an attempt to re-gain my blogging "mobility," I am posting pictures from the fourth and our recent lake outing. (These were taken after the supposed demise of the external hard-drive storing my pics. I STILL have not called to check on the status-too scared.) So as therapy, here are some (ok a lot-but I took almost 200 so actually-not so many) of the pics taken. Enjoy the record of these events via the pics.
Patriotic cookie bouquets made for my visiting teachers.
Close up of cookie bouquet-the "left-overs" were served via a vase at our Barlow-side afternoon swim/BBQ at GM and GP's/ Aunt Carolyn's. The kids loved eating cookies on a stick-who knew?
At the fairgrounds with Hardy cousins-candy (LOTS of CANDY!) collected during the candy "run." It used to be a candy "drop" from an airplane-much more exciting in my opinion-but now kids just retrieve candy scattered on the ground over a field. (My kids have lots of experience with this-see my Easter post-gathering candy quickly from the ground in a competitive fashion has been part of their annual Easter tradition forever-their experience obviously paid off.)
Cant get away from the matching shirts. The girls seem ok with the whole idea, but the boys seem a little less than excited. They ARE wearing the shirts however. (Kent had one too which he wore, but he was home recovering from a cracked rib sustained at scout camp.) Also FYI, my college kids had the same shirts (as well as some patriotic cookies and a few other patriotic items) sent to them via a 4th of July care package-so we were all matching just in different locations-(except Analise who is not allowed to wear a flag shirt in Jersalem-her shirt is waiting at home :)
Swimming at GM and GP's pool. Lynae with cousins Rebecca (in goggles) and Emma
4th of July swimming at GM and GP/Aunt Carolyn's-Luke goes off the diving board
More swimming-Luke and Anthony in the tube.
Trent on the slide-4th of July swim and BBQ at GM & GP/Aunt Carolyn's. We did watch fireworks that night, and the weather was FABULOUS-overcast with a COOL breeze in JULY of all things, but sadly I didn't get any pics.
Lake trip-July 14th
Uncle Steven went with us to the lake and took his boat. Wyatt and Emma on Uncle Steve's boat.
Lynae and friends on our boat-Lake Mead-July 14
Lynae and friend Tylee on the tube
Trent and Kaylee-double tubing
Trent skis
Lynae learned to slalom ski yesterday-AWESOME
Kaylee just happened to come home from BYU for the weekend, so she got to be in on our lake trip
Favorite two-tube activity: tube hopping
More tube hopping-Lynae, Kaylee (the one hopping) and Trent
Talk about a beautiful day at the lake. We woke at 5 a.m. to lightening, wind, and rain, but by the time we left for the lake at seven a.m., it was PERFECT. The temperature was in the upper 70's (It did get warmer as the day went on, but not bad), and no wind. I thought with the cooler weather, the water might be cold, but it was just perfect-not too cold or too warm. (I think all the previous 120+ degree days had heated it up some.) When I wasn't out with the kids on the boat, I sat on the beach and read or swam back and forth parallel to the beach. The water was so refreshing. It was soo nice.
Luke and Lynae tube
No this picture wasn't taken in 2012, it is Dallin skiing in 2007, but I still feel guilty that I didn't post anything for his b-day, and it was his b-day in 2006 when we purchased the boat. (A surprise b-day party lake trip was the maiden voyage for the "Clark Kent" - The name of our "superman" boat named in honor of the owners-My brother Clark and my hubby Kent.) So Happy b-day Dallin-we missed you and Analise at the lake yesterday.
More of Dallin skiing circa 2007
Trent and Kaylee tube hopping video-I've resorted to just up-loading to youtube and from there to this blog. And now I've just pre-viewed this (and the previous uploaded video of Kaylee's graduation speech), and I realize that AFTER you watch the videos, Youtube brings up several more "related" (not sure how) youtube videos to watch. I don't want that to happen, but I can't seem to make it stop. You don't have to (and probably shouldn't) watch them and they are not from me (mom). Grrrr. Blogging is sometimes just frustrating.
My favorite lake-trip activity-capturing all the fun on film-yup, I'm my mother's daughter after all. And why I am posting a picture of me wind-blown at the lake in a swim suit is a very good question. Someday I will post more flattering pictures of myself, since I'm realizing that I have only posted unflattering ones, maybe that's because the flattering ones don't exist-that's a scary and unsettling thought.
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