Friday, February 8, 2013

You're in the Army Now

The army used to have the slogan, "We do more before 8 a.m. than most people do all day."**  I was thinking about this saying the other day when I was trying to get everything done BEFORE I leave for work at 8. Sometimes I get discouraged that I don't get enough done during the day, so to make me feel better, here is a list of what I get done BEFORE 8 a.m.  (most days :)

*Personal prayers
*Personal scripture study
*Run 4-6 miles
*Lift weights or do toning exercises
*Make breakfast
*Clean up breakfast
*Family prayer
*Family scripture study
*Do laundry
*Tidy the house
*Make bed
*Shower, dress, hair, make-up
*Mop kitchen floor
*Run vacuum over traffic areas
*Wipe down bathrooms
*Read with Luke
*Help Luke with piano
And on a REALLY good day *Start something in the crockpot for dinner.

All right, I feel better now.  That's pretty much an entire day's work all before 8 a.m.  I guess the discouragment comes from the fact that I just have more than "an entire day's work" that needs to be completed daily. 

With that thought in mind, maybe I should end this post with the rest of the words to the post title:

"You're in the army now.
You're not behind the plow.
You'll dig in a ditch.
You'll never get rich.
You're in the army now." 
Those words seem appropro for my life and current schedule :)

**OK I googled it, and the army's slogan was actually "We do more before 9 a.m. than most people do all day. So BAM! I'm showing up the army with my morning routine!

(View the 1981 army commerical below)

1 comment:

  1. Kay, you are just way too awesome! It makes me exhausted just reading your list of what you accomplish, but I sure could relate to the post!
